
How To Drive Digital Innovation and Improve Efficiency


Bring sustainable digital Innovation in the most efficient and effective way with direct advice from the Corporate & Digital Innovation Circle, a team of global digital transformation leaders who have extensive experiences at Fortune 500 companies.

Who you'll be working with

  • Former CIO Supply Chain at P&G
  • Former CIO at Reckitt Benckiser
  • Former VP Global Business Services at Kellogg's

The Corporate & Digital Innovation Circle comprises three former CIOs and VPs in digital and IT sectors from Fortune 500 companies. Collectively they have 100 years of experience tackling company-wide digital transformation to improve the bottom line. This team can really get to the core of your digital innovation needs.

How to use this circle

Each of our clients engage with the Circle differently. 

This Circle provides the flexibility to access insights and custom-made advice from these experts for any purpose you may need: from digitalising an entire supply chain to setting up shared services.

Book your free introductory call

We know names aren't enough. Discuss your needs directly with this Circle and explore how they could support your business goals.

Thank you for your enquiry. A member of our team will be in touch shortly.

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